Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm learning that I'm not learning as much in college as I had assumed I would.

end quote.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Missing Walgreens Basket: Diary of a Lost Hope

Time: 10:02 P.M.
Location: Aisle 5
Specific Location: By the Slinky's
Reported Items Contained: Two 99 cent bags of Flamin' Hot Cheetos, a tube of Crest EXTRA whitening, and a two-pack of digital e.p.t.® brand pregnancy test
Suspected Owner: Unknown
Officer Notes: Said Basket was left in the toy aisle with such haste that it almost appeared to be a trap set up by a female looking for a good time. Distasteful choice of the toy aisle, although it might emphasize the woman's desire for a child and heartburn.

filed: November 18, 2007
time: 2328

end quote.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Was it really worth waking up?

IF there is a fine line between genius and insane, then chalk up a point for me under either. I was forced awake by something that almost made me vomit, and now, a half an hour awake from my slumber, I cannot recall what was so horrific that it required me to leave REM. Maybe that's my brain discarding the atrocity before it could haunt me anymore than it already did. I think I'll have to go with that one because in reality, I have no other explanation for what just occurred.

end quote.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I hate foot draggers

They seem to be littered all over Carroll College. And they all seem to be women. Let the sexist accusations begin!

end quote.

Redd has Become a Paperweight

Who knew that cells from the olfactory bulb of a mouse would be replicateable in Photoshop? Well, I have done the possible, and here it is to prove it.

Milwaukee Bucks 1-2. What a great game on Saturday. Wings and Bucks tonight hopefully. At least wings. But I'd rather Bucks.

PM's on inkjets have dropped to $1 from $3, effectively cutting my paycheck drastically.

Thanks Walgreens.

end quote.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Flavor of the Day: Right Weed

Is it possible that I'm wasting a gift that I have by my own laziness? I fell asleep in class today. Not head jerking sleep, but after class "You were snoring," type of sleep. Then I woke up in time for the quiz and aced that sucker. Either that, or MATC should be MATHS. In other news, the Penguin himself Marc Whateverthehell is leaving the Mad Planet, which means one thing, THE SCARRING PARTY is playing his farewell show. What a lucky guy.

I officially love in-store pickup. See: Adam's X-mas present.

end quote.